Saturday, January 11, 2025

Practical MSK Ultrasound of the Spine, Pelvis, and Lower Extremity

7:30a - 5:00P 

7:30a - 8:30a     Breakfast Buffet: Lotus A Ballroom

                                 Vendor Exhibits:  Lotus B/C Ballroom


Morning Session (Room: Lotus B/C  Ballroom)

8:30a - 9:00a  Regenerative Medicine Journal Club and AMA

Don Buford, MD, RMSK

9:00a - 9:30a  MSK Ultrasound of the Knee                

Ryan Martin, DPT, RMSK

9:30a - 10:00a  MSK Ultrasound of the Hip and Pelvis(Hip joint, Gluteus tendons; Piriformis muscle; SI joint)                                          

Mary Ambach, MD

10:00a - 10:30a  MSK Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle

Ryan Modlinski, MD

10:30 - 10:45   Break/Visit Vendors (Lotus B/C Ballroom)

10:45a - 11:00a     Ultrasound Pearls for the Lumbar Spine 

Steve Derrington, DO

11:00p - 12:00p   Basic MSK Ultrasound Coding and Reimbursement 

Don Buford, MD        

12:00p - 1:00p   Lunch (Lotus A Ballroom)

1:15 - 5:00     Live Model Hands On Scanning Lower Extremity (Nikko I-IV Ballroom)


​July 2024 Sponsoring Vendors (subject to change)

Fuji-Sonosite Ultrasound

Softwave Shockwave

Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation

Plymouth Medical (Emcyte PRP/BMC/Adipose)

Biorich Medical (Emcyte PRP/BMC/JTL Adipose/Safersonic)

Transcend Biologics (Tropocells PRP/Wisonic Ultrasound)

Esaote Ultrasound

Apex Biologix(PRP/PC/BMC/MFAT)


Konica Minolta Ultrasound

Intelligent Ultrasound (Augmented reality injection training)

Mavrix Profit System